Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Vintage Swingline 400 Stapler, Grey

Where: Staten Island salvage shop
Paid: I think $1.oo

Staplers, staplers!! I love them, especially the old metal ones.  This was sitting in a wet carton, calling my name to be rescued, photographed, and posted here for you to enjoy.  Big Brother to The 'Cub'

Wants you to Hit It.
'This is SWINGLIIIIIINE!!!!!!"


  1. You find very cool stuff (and have a nice touch with a camera, too!) Like you, I love rescuing this stuff, marveling at past technology, and being impressed with the quality of items from bygone days. I also value old staplers, and today picked up a nice Swingline 113 "Strong Arm" for $4 at a thrift shop. My buddy and I celebrate this stuff at our own blog: http://progress-is-fine.blogspot.ca/

    I'll certainly be visiting yours again. Thanks for this!

    1. Hay, thanks Duke! I have a 'pending' pile of bits and bobs (and more staplers!), until I get my camera repaired (Dead since Christmas 2012!!) In the meantime, I will have to keep track of your page! Nice- a Model 113 for $4! I have one up in this blog as well, in a gaudy cream color... I recently got a beautiful-condition Model 27 in copper color, another 27 in beat-up grey, and a couple of chromed Pilot staplers as well... All from estate sales like $2 each. Now I have a hankering for old flashlights also!! Thanks again, MxM

  2. thanks for sharing old swingline metal stapler interesting stuff , it is really needed to be rescued.
